4 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Savings (And How to Fix Them)
Do not save what is left after spending; instead spend what is left after saving.” Warren Buffett Achieving financial security isn’t just about making enough money—it’s about saving and investing wisely to make that money last and grow. If growing your savings is a goal for 2025, you’re already ahead…
Dollars and Degrees: The Cost of Education
As we approach the back-to-school season, I wanted to discuss an important topic that might be on your mind: the cost of education. Whether you have children or grandchildren preparing for college or considering furthering your education, it’s important to understand the financial side. Let’s delve into some eye-opening statistics…
Saving in Retirement: What you Should Do Now
If you have already retired and realized you don’t have enough money in savings, what should you do? Here are some actionable items that retirees should make now to help build up your savings in retirement. FINANCIAL PLANNING Financial planning and removing fear from your decision-making process is really, important…
Savings Strategies
Some people have no trouble saving money — they stash away any cash they don’t need, and their account grows and grows. These people usually aren’t very materialistic and don’t have a lot of goals that require money to fulfill. That’s a wonderful trait, in some ways. However, there’s nothing…
Can Money Buy Happiness?
In 2010, a study was published by two Nobel prize-winning economists purporting that people with more money feel better about their lives. However, that held true only up to an annual salary of $75,000 ($90,000 in today’s dollars). Past the $75k threshold, people weren’t necessarily any happier. That scenario has…
7 Steps to Spring Clean Your Finances
Since the first part of 2020 doesn’t “really” count because everyone was in stalemate (thank you Covid-19), we can basically start over now as the country starts to slowly reopen. So, welcome everyone. Spring has sprung! 🙂 It’s officially the season of cleaning, organizing, and working through all the build-up…
How To Have “The Money Talk” With Your Partner
Raise your hand if you’re dating, engaged, or married. Now keep your hand up if you want it to stay that way (as in…not divorce or break up). Hopefully everyone’s hand stayed up. If not, we’re the wrong people for the job. However, if you kept all five fingers high,…
2020: Financial Goals You Can 100% Achieve
Welcome to 2020, the year you finally level up your finances. Let’s get started.